November Star Valley Weather Summary

November Star Valley Weather Summary

After a dry summer, November provided Star Valley much needed precipitation with a substantial snow pack developing over the mountains by months end. Temperatures headed down as is typical for November with winter like levels by the end of the month.

Following is the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for Afton with comparison to both  normal and record readings.


Afton November 2018 Temperatures


Precipitation in Afton occurred at intervals through the month with about normal totals

Afton November 2018 precipitation

Afton snowfall  totaled about a foot for the month. The snowiest November on record was 1985.

Taking a look at the Bedford 3SE November 2018 record  also shows temperatures near or below normal on most days.

Bedford 3SE November temperatures along with daily normals and records

Considerably more precipitation  occurred in the Lower Valley reflected by the over 3 inches measured at Bedford 3SE, well above normal.

Snowfall also was substantially above the Afton station, but far below the snowiest on record in November 1985.

Bedford 3SE Snowfall November 2018

`Other Valley locations measuring snowfall in November included 32 inches at Star Valley Ranch, 30 inches at 1.5 SE of Thayne and Smoot 5 SSE located at 7000 feet elevation measured 33 inches.

The coldest morning was the 26th when the Double L Ranch dipped to 6 below and Thayne Elementary 2 below.  The same morning at the  Star Valley Ranch Heights station at 6650 feet it only dropped to  just 11 above.


Looking at other precipitation totals:

Star Valley Ranch   3.23

Smoot 5SE                2.84

Thayne 1.5 SE         2.88


Elsewhere around the state of Wyoming temperatures averaged below normal with minor exceptions, particularly in the southwest  corner.

Precipitation was overall above average in Lincoln County, while other regions had pockets of wetter and drier than normal.