April Providing Beneficial Hope for Spring Runoff In Western Wyoming

April Providing Beneficial Hope for Spring Runoff In Western Wyoming

                                                        Springtime at Star Valley Ranch


A series of storms have provided beneficial snow to the mountains of western Wyoming in the first two weeks of April. After a rather dry first 3 months of 2022,  the snow pack and associated  water content was heading to a well below normal runoff this Spring.  While continued storm activity is desired the next couple of months, data currently is supporting runoff closer to normal.

The Willow Creek SNOTEL provides a good look at the status of snow pack and water content for the Salt Range which drains into the Salt River and Star Valley.

The first two weeks of April have reversed the 2021-2022 trend and while still below normal, SWE is now noticeably greater than last year.

Even more encouraging is the total precipitation at Willow Creek for  the water year 2021-2022.

Willow Creek Total Precipitation

Currently precipitation is approaching normal levels and several inches above last year.

The latest map of the status of SWE across the area, while below normal, shows improvement

Most of the surrounding region is above 80 percent, with lower percentages  south and west through Utah into California and Arizona.


Of more local interest is data at Star Valley Ranch. The first two weeks of April have seen 2 feet of snow and over an inch and a half of water content.

While encouraging the long term drought continues across the entire area, so more is needed.